Rocket Software Connectivity
Connectivity products provide fast, secure and reliable remote access to centralized IT solutions on *nix and Windows. Connectivity helps reduce IT administration efforts and investments, provides superior IP protection and satisfies remote workers by offering local-like performance, even over lower-bandwidth connections.
Rocket Software Connectivity consists of the previous Microfocus Reflection and Rumba products as of the former OpenText solutions such as Exceed and ETX. Exceed TurboXOpenText™ Exceed™ TurboX is a secure virtual desktop solution that enables modern hybrid work. Leveraging the Exceed TurboX hybrid cloud virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), organizations can allow employees to work from anywhere and any device. Exceed TurboX includes support for demanding, high-performance graphical software used in engineering product design, semiconductor design and other graphic-intense fields.
Exceed and Exceed 3D
OpenText™ Exceed™ is a high-performance Windows remote access solution for graphically demanding Linux® and UNIX X11 software solutions, such as CAD and CAM. Exceed integrates Windows® desktops with UNIX, Linux, VMS, X-Window System and IBM® iSeries and z/OS system environments. With Exceed, organizations have secure and reliable access to X-Window applications from Microsoft® Windows and Citrix® virtual desktops over the LAN.
OpenText HostExplorer
OpenText™ HostExplorer™ is a Windows terminal emulator for IBM 3270, IBM 5250 and VT terminal sessions that offers cost effective and secure access to mainframe applications. Users can launch terminal sessions from an easy to use web interface or use the Windows® application. HostExplorer easily migrates capabilities from other terminal emulation software.
OpenText SecureShell
OpenText™ Secure Shell is a comprehensive security solution that safeguards network traffic over the Internet or the corporate network.
When included with OpenText Exceed or OpenText HostExplorer, it provides Secure Shell 2 (SSH-2), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Kerberos security mechanisms to ensure security for communication types such as X11, NFS, terminal emulation (Telnet), FTP, and any TCP/IP protocol.
When included with OpenText Exceed or OpenText HostExplorer, it provides Secure Shell 2 (SSH-2), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Kerberos security mechanisms to ensure security for communication types such as X11, NFS, terminal emulation (Telnet), FTP, and any TCP/IP protocol.